Monday, May 1

A new roomate?

Follow the adventure >> Route map, part 1 // Route map, part 2

This morning was hectic as usual. I should have known that a strict 9AM start time wouldn't work out well after years of rolling over at noon...

Alarm was set for 7:30AM. Of course it was only audible to a semi-deafened, ear-infected, sleep-deprived me at 8:58AM. Panic ensued. Called for the usual morning service (1 taxi avec credit) while trying to find the driest pair of dress-pants. (I settled on the black pinstripe - they were still soaking, but I figured the wet spots would be less visible than on a coloured pair.)

Taxi arrived: 9:17AM. Driver looked angry. Could it be the large garbage truck that was blocking the entire street and all foreseeable exits? (Luckily he managed to avoid situation that by reversing along the length of my entire street, inspiring the use of fingers and French blasphemy from other drivers.) Two stops today, I said.

I noticed the driver staring at me from the rear-view mirror. I couldn't figure out why. OK, my pants are soaking wet and I probably look as though I emerged from a wind tunnel (the hair was way out of control...) - but why is this guy staring at me?

Finally, an answer:

"Last time I drove you, you left a cigarette in the car," he said. "I smoked it. I'm sorry."

Mystery solved - he just remembered me, it wasn't creepy. I find it interesting that sometimes I need to be re-introduced to people I've supposedly met a few times before (I of course have no recollection... hmm...), but that a cabbie who spent 4 minutes driving me to a restaurant one night remembers me. It's not that I'm particularly memorable; I think they must be really, really bored.

Time: 9:27AM. The conversation had died off a bit. I ran out at stop #1 to return books to the library (I avoided that $20/day fee with only 3 minutes to spare). Then the discussion picked up again:

CABBIE: "You aren't married?"
ME: "Uhhh... no."
C: "You don't want a boyfriend?"
M: "I'm fine for now, thanks."
Long pause.
C: "Your apartment - how much do you pay?"
M: "What?"
C: "You live alone, no? You pay too much to live alone where you live."
M: "Well, you know... it's convenient."
> Pause
C: "You should move somewhere else. It would be cheaper. Or you should get a roomate... We can move in together. I have a nice place and it would be very cheap for you."
> Awkward silence. We arrive at the office - just in time!
I signed the carbon-copied slip as usual. Before tearing away my copy, the driver offered to write his number on the paper for me. ("You can call me. We can work something out. I can drive you everyday. Or help you move. Or whatever.") I was clearly skeptical: "That's alright, I'll be fine." Niceties followed. "See you again," he said. "My name is X" (he spelled it out in case I couldn't figure it out)...

wink. Ew. Final escape from taxi: 9:43AM.

Total trip time: 26 min
Fare: $27. Ouch.


At November 10, 2010 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At November 10, 2010 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think your diary is really interesting..keep writing


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