Tuesday, May 2

Today: Mme. Isabelle - Tomorrow: Mystery cabber #2697

My 'office' is a big, factory-like building (it looks like Costco) gated off to the public. Everyone has a security pass to enter the building on foot, or to enter the employees-only parking lot (although I very much appreciate my parking spot, it doesn't do me much good without a car.)

Arriving by taxi, it's become my daily practice to ask the driver to buzz the security guard (I'm not trying to be snooty, I just can't reach out the back window), give my name, and proceed through the gate. It usually takes a few minutes for everything to get coordinated (I have to repeat my name a few times because it somehow always gets lost in translation), but, after all, the meter is charging me for the extra time.

This morning, however, the driver seemed more rushed than I. He pressed the buzzer and - rather than asking my name and telling the guard - decided it would be easier to get creative:

I can only imagine what the guard thought (he's seen me go through the gate using my real name for the last 30+ days): has the drudgery of this 'day job' become so horrible that I need to start taking on new personas?


At May 03, 2006 1:50 PM, Blogger Marcus said...

Mme Isabelle? Hello? Appelez-moi, svp.

At November 10, 2010 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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